Growing the Garden of Light

As an open-source platform for a diverse community, the site will offer opportunity for spiritual expression, communication among members and resources of interest to the community at large.

HEALING: A resource center for browsing diverse holistic healing modalities and sharing experience.

MUSIC, BOOKS, POETRY, VIDEOS: Pages to post spiritual creations in these various art forms, or links to them.

WISDOM LIBRARY: A compendium of holy books, scripture, teachings and inspirational readings.

BULLETIN BOARD: A place to share happenings of interest to our local and global communities.

CRITICS CORNER: Book, movie, television, theatre, dance, and music reviews, with space for comments.

HUMOR: Yes, spiritual humor!

YOUTH: A place to connect and share, with an up-to-the-minute feel.

SPIRITUALITY AS SERVICE: Shared experiences of love in action.

THE CONSCIOUS MARKETPLACE: Organized similarly to classified ads, these pages will offer paid advertisements for goods and services of particular interest to the community.

GROWING YOUR OWN GARDEN: The site will also include TERMS OF AGREEMENT for those wishing to post and information on how to GROW A GARDEN in local communities.


IN THE FUTURE: Additional live participatory components could be added, such as SERVICES, PRAYER SESSIONS (for personal healing, for large-scale situations needing prayers, for special events), and perhaps a live-chat COUNSELING HOTLINE staffed by a team of volunteers.

Join Us

Join a spiritually conscious group of individuals committed to creating a peaceful global family guided by love. Sign up for our mailing list here.

Living Light

Living Light is a regular feature in Light on Light, a spiritual lifestyle e-zine, that offers practical suggestions on how to "live in the light, as the light, lightly."

Meditation Room

Take a break! Relax and go within in the soothing Meditation Room.

Question of the Week

Calling all seekers! What's your answer to the Question of the Week? Check out the Garden of Light Facebook conversation and share your thoughts with others.