Surviving Life’s Storms

Jacqueline Ripstein


I used to sing this and dance to it when I was four years old. My father had given me the most wondrous magic wand made from cardboard and wrapped in aluminum foil. It sparkled like a star! I believed in magic – my wand and my paintbrush transported me to the Invisible World. I lived then, and still live now, with wonder and excitement. Life for me has been a magical journey.

I have learned in my life that with every step we take, every thought we have, we are nourishing the shadows – or nourishing the Light.

We have the power to create a Life of Joy, and at some point in our lives, we all deal with loss. I’ve dealt with multiple deaths, the tragic ending of a loving relationship, losing my health, suffering pain, disappointment, I had to learn to forgive violence, judgment and hatred…many times I felt stunned and in despair, I felt through sometimes that I couldn’t survive some of life’s storms. I felt weak and destroyed. I had lost hope, with feelings of helplessness and exhaustion.

My Spirit connection was “low” – that’s what I thought at the trial moments of my Life. But years later I’ve come to realize that those were the moments when God was carrying me, where my ego was being cracked and my being was forced to be more humble. I realized that resistance created more pain.

All stages in life are essential for our renewal. Living through the pain is as important as living the joy. It is how we deal with both, how well we accept life’s tests without resistance, that will help us elevate our consciousness.

The storms of Life serve as catalysts. With their energy they help us transform everything needed along the road to self-regeneration. They help us change our perception from one based in the physical world to that of the Spiritual world. Learning from them helps us shift from a world of chaos to a world of inner Peace. Those catalysts can lead us to our awakening.

As in the wondrous process by which a caterpillar morphs into a butterfly, sickness can represent an opportunity for reconstruction, a way to revamp our lives, to re-emerge.

Though adversity may place heavy strains on us, it is definitively a fundamental obstacle that we must overcome on the path to true self-discovery.

Remember, “IT IS VALUABLE TO FEEL PAIN. Pain nourishes your courage. It can weaken the ego, strengthen humility, and increase compassion. Pain is a human process that we should not fight against. It is a lesson to let go of all of the attachment that we may have. By living the experience of pain we mature and move forward….”

Humbly yours,

Jacqueline Ripstein

Originally printed at


Internationally renowned artist Jacqueline Ripstein has inspired hundreds of thousands of people all over the world through her highly vibrational art, books, self-awareness seminars and workshops. Her book, The Art of Healing Art: The Keys to Power and Awareness, is a breakthrough in offering her healing artworks coupled with “life lessons.”Born in Mexico and self-taught, Jacqueline won a national diploma at age 12 in a Prismacolor competition, setting off what would become a singular career as a pioneer in healing art. A unique creative who has dared cross the boundaries of the traditional art schools to create new techniques in the world of art, Jacqueline’s mystical journey and insatiable search for the Divine Light guided her to patent The Invisible Art & Light Technique© in 1986, a gift to humanity, a unique revelation, an encounter with the spiritual world through her art. Several leading scientists have researched her art, proving its unique high vibrational healing properties. Scientific research by Dr. Valerie Hunt, Dr. J. J. Hurtak, Dr. Rafael López Guerrero, and Dr. Vaughn Cook, has revealed that her art has unique healing properties that can elevate viewers to heightened states of consciousness.

Since her childhood, her deepest desire has been to reveal the unseen dimensions that influence the course of people’s lives. Here astonishing artwork–rendered in three different light wavelengths (normal, black light and a combination of both) awakens people to the unconscious parts of themselves and the unseen world around them. Her art reveals the Light within and the Invisible dimensions that create one’s everyday life.

For more information, please visit

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